食品词典中的关于food product的专业释义: | |
英文名称 | 中文名称 |
food product | 食物产品,食品 |
food products regulations | 食品法规 |
dehydrated food products | 脱水食品 |
food product standard | 食品产品标准 |
food production licence | 食品生产许可证 |
food production qualification | 食品产品合格证 |
food production | 食品生产 |
该词汇出现于:GB 14881-2013 | |
购买此英文版国标链接: | |
food product standard | 食品产品标准 |
该词汇出现于:GB/T 15091-1994 | |
购买此英文版国标链接: | |
food production licence | 食品生产许可证 |
该词汇出现于:GB/T 15091-1994 | |
购买此英文版国标链接: | |
food product qualification | 食品产品合格证 |
该词汇出现于:GB/T 15091-1994 | |
购买此英文版国标链接: | |
General rules for the examination of food production licensing | 食品生产许可审查通则 |
food product standard | 食品产品标准 |
food production licence | 食品生产许可证 |
food product qualification | 食品产品合格证 |
参考词典中food product的常规释义:
- 食(物产)品
- a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food
[同] food product, foodstuff
点击查看……- a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food